NCTB Books of Class 9 2025। ৯ম শ্রেণির বই ডাউনলোড

Looking for Class 9 book 2025? Get all NCTB books of Class 9 easily. Download Class 9 book 2025 and explore the latest NCTB books of Class 9 2025. Whether it’s the Class 9 book 2025 or other NCTB books of Class 9, we’ve got you covered. Access NCTB books of Class 9, including the secret class and Class 9 math book PDF. Study with the Class 9 math book or even check out the Class 6 book 2025 and NCTB books of Class 6 for comparison. Plan your studies with the Class 9 syllabus 2025 and sharpen your skills using the Class 9 math book. Don’t forget to explore the Class 9 English book 2025. Visit Class 9 or Class 9 2025 for official resources and updates.

Class 9 All Books 2025 pdf Download

Looking for Class 9 books for 2025? Easily download all NCTB books for Class 9, including the latest syllabus and subjects like math and English. Explore the Class 9 math book PDF or compare with Class 6 books to plan your studies effectively. Sharpen your skills with updated resources and stay ahead with the Class 9 syllabus 2025.

Class 9 Books 2025 pdf download

The Class 9 Book 2025 is now available for download on Access the complete set of NCTB Books of Class 9, including updated Class 9 Math Book PDF, Class 9 English Book 2025, and the full Class 9 Syllabus 2025. You can also find resources for other grades, such as the Class 6 Book 2025 and NCTB Books of Class 6. For additional materials.

Download Links for All Class 9 and 10 Books

Below are the download links for all Class 9 and 10 books. You can access the latest NCTB textbooks for both classes, including subjects like Math, English, and others, by following the provided links.

২০২৫ শিক্ষাবর্ষের মাধ্যমিক স্তরের নবম-দশম শ্রেণির পাঠ্যপুস্তক

ক্রমিকপাঠ্যপুস্তকের নাম(বাংলা ভার্সন)ডাউনলোড লিংকপাঠ্যপুস্তকের নাম(ইংরেজি ভার্সন)ডাউনলোড লিংক
বাংলা সাহিত্যডাউনলোডবাংলা সাহিত্যডাউনলোড
বাংলা সহপাঠডাউনলোডবাংলা সহপাঠডাউনলোড
বাংলা ভাষার ব্যাকরণ ও নির্মিতিডাউনলোডবাংলা ভাষার ব্যাকরণ ও নির্মিতিডাউনলোড
English For TodayডাউনলোডEnglish For Todayডাউনলোড
English Grammar and CompositionডাউনলোডEnglish Grammar and Compositionডাউনলোড
তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তিডাউনলোডInformation And Communication Technologyডাউনলোড
১২উচ্চতর গণিতডাউনলোডHigher Mathematicsডাউনলোড
১৩ভূগোল ও পরিবেশডাউনলোডGeography and Environmentডাউনলোড
১৫কৃষিশিক্ষাডাউনলোডAgriculture Studiesডাউনলোড
১৬গার্হস্থ্যবিজ্ঞানডাউনলোডHome Scienceডাউনলোড
১৭পৌরনীতি ও নাগরিকতাডাউনলোডCivics and Citizenshipডাউনলোড
১৯ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিংডাউনলোডFinance and Bankingডাউনলোড
২০ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগডাউনলোডBusiness Entrepreneurshipডাউনলোড
২১ইসলাম শিক্ষাডাউনলোডIslamic Studiesডাউনলোড
২২হিন্দুধর্ম শিক্ষাডাউনলোডHindu Religion Studiesডাউনলোড
২৩বৌদ্ধধর্ম শিক্ষাডাউনলোডBuddhist Religion Studiesডাউনলোড
২৪খ্রীষ্টধর্ম শিক্ষাডাউনলোডChristian Religion Studiesডাউনলোড
২৫ক্যারিয়ার শিক্ষাডাউনলোডCareer Educationডাউনলোড
২৬বাংলাদেশ ও বিশ্বপরিচয়ডাউনলোডBangladesh And Global Studiesডাউনলোড
২৭চারু ও কারুকলাডাউনলোডArts and Craftsডাউনলোড
২৮বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ও বিশ্বসভ্যতাডাউনলোডHistory of Bangladesh and World Civilizationডাউনলোড
২৯শারীরিক শিক্ষা, স্বাস্থ্যবিজ্ঞান ও খেলাধুলাডাউনলোডPhysical Education, Health Science and Sportsডাউনলোড

Effective Study Tips for Class 9 Books

To study effectively, it’s important to set a consistent schedule for each day. Allocate specific time slots for studying and stick to them. While reading the books, focus on understanding the key concepts before trying to memorize them. Taking notes as you go helps to retain important information. Practice regularly by solving exercises and sample questions, as this reinforces what you’ve learned. Additionally, make it a habit to review past topics frequently, ensuring that you retain the material in the long term. Staying consistent with your study routine is essential for continuous improvement and success.

FAQ’s on Class 9 Books Downloads

1. What is the Class 9 Book 2025 download link?
You can download the Class 9 Book 2025 from We provide access to the latest NCTB books for Class 9, including subjects like Math, English, and more.

2. Where can I find the NCTB Books of Class 9 2025?
The NCTB Books of Class 9 2025 are available on and, as well as on for easy access.

3. How do I download the Class 9 Math Book PDF?
You can download the Class 9 Math Book PDF from by following the provided links for the subject-specific books.

4. Can I access Class 9 books for free?
Yes, all Class 9 books, including Math and English, are available for free download from the official NCTB websites and

5. Where can I find the Class 9 Syllabus 2025?
The Class 9 Syllabus 2025 is available for download on, as well as on the NCTB website.

6. Is there any other resource for Class 6 books?
Yes, you can also download Class 6 books from, which provides access to the NCTB books for all classes.

7. How often are the NCTB books updated?
The NCTB books are updated annually, and the latest versions for each class are available for download at the beginning of the academic year.


Hasan Al Mamun is a dedicated teacher, blogger, and YouTuber who has achieved great success in his field. He was born to parents Shahjahan Topodar and Masrura Begum and grew up with a love for learning and exploration. After completing his Bachelor's degree, Hasan pursued a Master's degree in Accounting and excelled in his studies. He then began his career as a teacher, sharing his knowledge and passion for accounting with his students. In addition to teaching, Hasan is also an avid blogger and YouTuber, creating content that educates and inspires his viewers. His YouTube channel, "My Classroom," has grown to an impressive 240,000 subscribers, earning him a silver play button from YouTube. Hasan's interests include book reading, travelling, gardening, and writing, and he often incorporates these passions into his work. He strives to create an honest and supportive community in all of his endeavors, encouraging his followers to learn and grow alongside him. Overall, Hasan Al Mamun is a talented and dedicated individual who has made a significant impact in the fields of education, blogging, and content creation.

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