How to write an Essay: 7 Simple Tips for a Strong Introduction

Starting an essay is often the hardest part. Even if you know what you want to write, finding the right words to begin can be tricky. Don’t worry—you’re not alone. Many people struggle with the same problem.
Writing an essay is different from writing a book, a poem, or a research paper. It has its own process. You need to organize your thoughts, support your ideas with evidence, and use engaging language. But like any type of writing, your first job is to catch the reader’s attention in the opening lines.
Different Ways to Start an Essay
There are many ways to begin an essay. Each method works well for different kinds of essays. While they use different techniques, they all have the same goal: to hook the reader and make them want to keep reading.
When you “hook” a reader, you grab their attention and make them curious about what’s next. What works for one essay might not work for another, so it’s important to know why each approach is effective.
Here are some common ways to start an essay:
1. Share a Shocking or Funny Fact
One way to start is with a surprising or amusing fact about your topic. This makes the reader interested and eager to learn more.
Here are some examples:
- “Over half of Iceland’s population believes in elves. While this sounds strange to outsiders, many of us have similar beliefs that would surprise others.”
- “Students in federal work-study programs make an average of $1,794 per year—about the same as the rent for a one-bedroom apartment in this city.”
Make sure the fact you use is relevant. If it doesn’t relate to your topic, it will confuse the reader or seem forced. This method is great for expository or persuasive essays because it makes the reader curious.
2. Ask a Question
Starting with a question invites the reader to think and engage with your essay. It pulls them into the conversation.
- “How many times have you been late because you couldn’t find parking? You’re not alone—our campus needs more parking spaces.”
- “How often do you shop at fast fashion stores like H&M or Zara?”
This is an effective way to open a persuasive essay because it asks the reader to take a side. It can also work in other types of essays, but it’s best when you want the reader to reflect on the topic.
3. Set the Scene
Another way to start is by describing a scene. This works best for personal or creative essays.
- “The rain hit the roof so hard that we couldn’t even talk. I had promised to play my new song, but the weather ruined the night.”
- “Imagine stepping off a plane. You’re hot, tired, and suddenly, you’re under arrest.”
You can use this technique in persuasive essays too, especially when trying to appeal to the reader’s emotions.
4. Use a Quote
You can also start with a quote. Sometimes, the words of others help set the stage for your own thoughts.
- “‘The past is never dead. It’s not even past.’ —William Faulkner.”
- “‘It always seems impossible until it’s done.’ —Nelson Mandela.”
Make sure the quote is relevant to your essay. If your reader has to look it up, it’s not the right one. Pick a quote that connects easily to your topic.
5. State Your Thesis Directly
Sometimes, the best way to start is to get right to the point. This works well for analytical essays.
- “Fraternity culture is dangerous and goes against campus values. It should be banned.”
- “We can’t wait any longer; we need to take action on climate change now.”
This method dives straight into your argument, perfect for essays where you want to be direct and clear.
How to Write an Essay Introduction
When writing your introduction, pick the right tone for your essay. A joke may not be appropriate for a serious topic, and an emotional fact might not fit a neutral, informative essay.
Read your introduction aloud to see if the tone matches the rest of the paragraph. If it sounds off, adjust it. You can also use tools like Grammarly to check your tone and make sure it fits.
When You’re Stuck, Write Backwards
If you’re having trouble starting, skip the introduction and write the body of your essay first. Once you’ve written the main points, it can be easier to go back and write an introduction.
Sometimes, you can even start by writing the conclusion. Knowing how your essay ends can help you figure out the best way to begin.
Final Touches
Once you’ve written your essay, don’t forget to polish it. Use tools like Grammarly to catch mistakes and improve your writing’s clarity. Make sure you’re submitting your best work.
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How to write essay in english step-by-step example for students If you have any comments, please let me know. How to write an essay PDF can be downloaded if you want. thank you
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FAQ’s on How to write an essay
How can I start writing an essay?
Start by brainstorming ideas, then create an outline. After that, write your introduction, followed by the body paragraphs and conclusion. How to start an essay?
What are the 5 steps to essay writing?
- Choose a topic
- Research and gather information
- Create an outline
- Write the essay
- Revise and edit
What are the 5 parts of an essay?
- Introduction
- Thesis statement
- Body paragraphs
- Evidence/support
- Conclusion
What are the 7 steps of an essay?
- Choose a topic
- Research your topic
- Develop a thesis statement
- Create an outline
- Write the introduction
- Write the body paragraphs
- Write the conclusion